My love for Tuesdays with Dorie is evident with this week's pick: Four Star Chocolate Bread Pudding. Not because of the recipe itself - I love all of them equally. Not because of some fabulous new technique I learned, used, or created - I'm not that good. No - my love was evident because it was 100+ degrees outside; our house has no air conditioning; I had to wait until after 9 p.m. to even dream of turning on the oven; and I still made the dish!! I must be a nut.
I am happy to say that my love was rewarded with this delicious dessert! I ate a spoonful this morning before putting it in the fridge (yes, the breakfast of champions). I used challah bread, made a full recipe, and omitted the fruit.
I let my bread stale on the counter for a day, cut into cubes and exposed. It worked well. My bread to custard ratio was fine, and I wouldn't change a thing. I haven't tried any toppings on it yet; my husband is voting for creme anglaise; but I like it by itself. You MUST try this one if you haven't done so already.
A big thanks to Lauren of Upper East Side Chronicle for this pick. Check out her site for the recipe, or buy yourself a copy of Dorie's fabulous book! You won't be disappointed.